5 Reasons You Need A Condom

5 Reasons

you need to

use a condom

You might think that condoms are just about protection, but they’re so much more than that. They’re often seen as the go-to for preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which is true – they do an excellent job at that!

If you’re someone who loves to explore intimacy or is currently navigating relationships – especially if you’re sexually active – condoms are very important for a safe and healthy sex life. They also provide you with a level of control, comfort, and confidence in your intimate moments. Guess what? There’s still more.

Here are more reasons why it’s important to use condoms.

  1. Protection against unwanted pregnancy: As an NTU student, being a parent might not be at the top of your to-do list, right? You’re probably all about enjoying life, making cherished memories, and excelling in your studies. . That’s where condoms kick in – they’re 98% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly. And even if slip-ups occur occasionally, they still offer a considerable 87% protection rate. So, while you’re out there enjoying life, let condoms keep you on track.

  2. Zero to minimal side effects: Using condoms won’t give you any major medical concerns, which is a relief, right? Yet, you might encounter a bit of skin irritation, like redness, itching, or a rash – nothing too serious, but it can happen. Loads of folks react to latex in condoms, so if that’s you, don’t worry! You can grab a latex-free alternative from the NTU condom awareness scheme.

  3. They’re effective against STIs: Engaging in any sexual activity might put you at risk for various infections – even just a kiss. Condoms are great at protecting you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but they’re not foolproof. For instance, Genital Warts (HPV) can sneak through even with condoms. So, it’s important to be with someone you trust. Condoms do help against common STIs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.
  1. Cheaper to access: Condoms are not only wallet-friendly compared to other birth control options, but they’re also incredibly easy to get hold of. You’ll find them almost everywhere – from drugstores to supermarkets, even at the pharmacy. And guess what? You can get them for free too! Join the NTU Condom scheme, and we’ll hook you up with a pack of eight condoms and, if you fancy, some extra lubricants delivered straight to you, no charge. Grab your free condoms right here!

  2. They boost sexual pleasure: Let’s debunk a myth: condoms don’t ruin the fun, they actually make it better!  Using condoms can ease your worries, so you can focus on having a great time without regrets.

So, there you have it – condoms aren’t just about safety; they give you peace of mind. They offer control, comfort, and confidence, whether it’s preventing unwanted pregnancies or defending against infections. Easy to access, budget-friendly, and easy-to-use, they guarantee you a good time.

If you’d like to order some free condoms, get started here.

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Silvercloud: SilverCloud is our online system designed to help with a range of mental health issues.
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Wellness in Mind: Advice and support for anyone in Nottingham experiencing issues with their mental wellbeing
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